
Enjoy this interview with Gopi Krishna, directed by Garima Poddar

Watch this new interview with Josette Camilleri, conducted by Garima Poddar

Watch this A Coffee with episode, presented by dr. Riccardo Tonini, with dr. Fabio Gorni as guest. The topic of this episode is about how to achieve Long Term Success in Endodontics.

Let's take a coffee with Yoshi Terauchi, and while we are it Riccardo Tonini will ask him some questions about his work and success

Let's have a coffee together with Josette Camilleri and Massimo Giovarruscio, and while we are at it, let's ask them some questions about their working habits and professional experience. In this episode Riccardo Tonini will talk with Josette and Massimo about Bioceramic materials.

Join a new Coffee with Episode with dr. Riccardo Tonini and dr. Ruth PĂ©rez Alfayate discussing about the importance of disinfection in the Endodontic Treatment.

Join this new A coffee with episode, this time with dr. Riccardo Tonini and dr. Prasanna Neelakantan

Join us in this new episode of A Coffee with Gary Glassman: directed by Riccardo Tonini while they talk about the importance of failure in endodontics to professionally grow and advance in your career.

Join dr. Riccardo Tonini for his coffee with Prof. Massimo Gagliani. In this episode the topic is "What does Long Term means in dentistry and Endodontics?". How can you define when the follow up was long enough to define a treatment a success or a failure?

In this A Coffee with Episode Riccardo Tonini and Grzegorz Witkowski talks about the innovations related to lasers for endodontics and how those tools can improve parts of the root canal treatment.

Join Riccardo Tonini, Francesco Mannocci and Massimo Giovarruscio in this new episode of A Coffee With. The topic of today is the importance of Irrigation, how to add it into your daily protocols and what's the status of the literature and research about it.

Join Riccardo Tonini and Fabio Gorni in this new episode of A Coffee With... in this video they interview dr. Cliff Ruddle, the Endodontics Master.
